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Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity

The major challenges of our times – such as climate change, artificial intelligence and global crises – are not organized into distinct disciplines. Instead, they call for transdisciplinary and holistic solutions. With its seven faculties, UZH offers the broadest range of subjects in Switzerland – and therefore ideal opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange in teaching and study.

School for Transdisciplinary Studies

The School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) acts as a hub for promoting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study and teaching at UZH. It offers courses to students from all faculties, supports instructors in the development and delivery of their teaching, and raises the profile of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches at UZH. The aim is to combine different perspectives and disciplines at UZH, to connect up scientific insights with knowledge from society, and to offer courses on real-world issues.
School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Equipping Students to Tackle the Grand Challenges

The interdisciplinary courses are the ideal complement to the study programs offered by the faculties, helping students put the subject they are studying into context, expand on it and build their personal networks. They also enable students to take a holistic approach to analyzing complex problems and the pressing issues of our time, and to devise innovative and creative solutions.

Courses on cross-cutting issues

The academic courses cover forward-looking cross-cutting topics such as the digital transformation, sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship, ethics, and citizen science and address current issues in the context of the grand challenges of our time.
STS: Inter-/Transdisciplinary Courses

Future Skills

The Future Skills courses complement the inter- and transdisciplinary courses with a focus on action and problem-solving and on the development of skills that are relevant to various fields and disciplines, regardless of the topic. The courses are often hands-on and teach students transversal skills and methods that can be applied in various contexts.
STS: Future Skills

Transdisciplinary study programs

From the 2024 fall semester, the interdisciplinary Digital Skills minor program can be taken at Master’s level. The program is supported by the interdisciplinary network of instructors of the Digital Society Initiative (DSI).
STS: Minor Digital Skills

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For Teaching Staff

The School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) supports and advises teaching staff and UZH initiatives on the development and implementation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary courses.