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Student Organizations

Culture, Environment, Politics and Much More

The University of Zurich is home to a large number of student organizations that are committed to various causes and interests. These offer the opportunity to get involved and make social contacts outside of your studies - and thus promote a diverse student life at the University of Zurich. The student associations represent the interests of the students in the respective subjects.
UZH for Students: Student Organizations
UZH for Students: Student Associations

University of Zurich Student Association (VSUZH)

The Student Association of the University of Zürich VSUZH represents all students of the University of Zurich. It is the largest student association in Switzerland and is firmly anchored in the University Statutes as a public law entity.  It represents the concerns of all students in university policy issues vis-à-vis the university management and the public and offers all students services that enrich and facilitate student life.
Website VSUZH

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