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Equal Opportunities

Equality, Diversity and Tolerance

The University of Zurich is actively committed to promoting diversity and reducing discrimination. It views diversity as an opportunity to promote exchange between different perspectives and thusthus as a valuable component of research and teaching. Furthermore, promoting diversity is an important part of the university's responsibility to foster an inclusive and equitable society.
UZH Diversity Policy
UZH Gender Policy

Protection Against Discrimination

The University of Zurich does not tolerate discrimination or exclusion of individual persons or groups based on prejudiced stereotypes. You can find more information on the website of the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity :
Gender Equality and Diversity: Support and Advice
Gender Equality and Diversity: LGBTIQ

Studying with a Disability or Impairment

The University of Zurich is committed to ensuring barrier-free access for students with a disability or impairment. It offers a variety of advisory and support services to ensure that students can achieve their academic goals. The central point of contact for students and prospective students is the Disability Office.
Website Disability Office

Studies and Family Life

The University of Zurich fosters a family-friendly culture. A comprehensive range of childcare options is available via the kihz Foundation. You can find information relating to family life on the UZH families portal: