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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Why these modules?

Climate change, globalization or the digital transformation – the great challenges of our time do not end at disciplinary boundaries but require inter- and transdisciplinary solutions. At UZH, there are numerous initiatives and projects that address these topics and conduct inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching. The School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) bundles such courses and facilitates them to students of all faculties.
Students acquire valuable knowledge and skills that equip them to become innovative shapers of tomorrow. The STS modules cover topics such as entrepreneurship, sustainable development, ethics and digital transformation, and the range of courses offered is expanding every semester.

What can I learn?

In the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Courses, you will learn about forward-looking, cross-cutting themes from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. Not only will you discover new contexts and connections, but you will also collaborate with students across disciplines.

Our Future Skills courses impart future-oriented skills and methods with a practical focus. These skills lay the foundation for working in inter- and transdisciplinary teams.

Overall, the STS course portfolio enables you to broaden your horizon and network and to contextualize your academic field. You will be able to acquire valuable skills for starting your professional career, including problem-solving skills or ‹thinking out of the box›.

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Admission requirements

No prerequisites necessary.
Individual courses can be credited to the primary degree program (please contact the relevant faculty for detailed credit options).