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Complete Application Form, Upload Documents, Pay Application Fee

The document I’d like to upload is not being accepted. Why is this?

There are various reasons why you may not be able to upload a document.

Please note the following restrictions on documents that are submitted:

  • Maximum size of the individual files: 20 MB
  • Only PDF files are accepted, except for the passport photo. The passport photo must be uploaded in .jpg or .png file format.
  • Special characters or umlauts in file names (ä, ö, ü, %, etc.) are not accepted, or will result in an error in the file name. If you have any umlauts in your file names, write them out instead (e.g. ae and oe, as in the Maturitaetsausweis [upper secondary school-leaving certificate]). Please do not upload any PDFs of diplomas or references that you have simply photographed. These documents should be scanned instead.

I receive a message telling me that the AHV number I’ve entered is not correct. However, the number is the same as the one on my insurance card.

If you have already been admitted to study at the University of Zurich, the application portal will recognize the AHV number entered for your previous admission as already allocated and display an error message if you try to enter it again.

Make sure you answered "Yes" to the question "Previous matriculation at a higher education institution?" If you have mistakenly selected "No: First matriculation," even though you have previously been admitted to study at the University of Zurich, you must create a new application. Once you have entered and saved an application, this information can no longer be changed. In the new application, please select the correct answer.

After entering the student ID number from your first admission, the error message will no longer appear for the AHV number and you can submit the application.

Submitting my application by clicking on "Save and Pay" doesn’t work. I’m being asked to enter my student ID number, but I don’t have one, because I’ve never studied in Switzerland.

Please check the information you entered in the "Summary Choice of Studies" and "Information Related to Studies" sections of your application:

For an application for a Bachelor’s program:

You must answer the question "Previous matriculation at a higher education institution?" with "No: First matriculation" or "Yes: Only foreign higher education institution." If you answer "Yes: Swiss higher education institution (addtl. foreign institution)," the system will assume that you have previously been matriculated at a Swiss university, and thus hold a student ID number.

  • Once you have entered and saved an application, this information can no longer be changed. Please create a new application and select the correct answer. The "Student ID number" field will then no longer appear in the application form. You can now submit the application.

For an application for a Master’s or teaching diploma program, or doctoral studies:

Answer the question about your qualification for the selected academic level with "Foreign qualification." If you answer "Swiss qualification," the system will assume that you have previously been matriculated at a Swiss university, and thus hold a student ID number.

  • This information can no longer be changed once you have entered and saved an application. Please create a new application and select the answer "Foreign qualification."

In addition, you must answer "No" to the question "Previous matriculation at a higher education institution?"

  • You can change this answer in the application you have entered and saved. If you have answered the previous question correctly, you can now submit the application without indicating the student ID number.

I don’t have a credit card or a PostFinance card. How can I pay the application fee and submit the application?

You can use a prepaid card instead of a traditional credit card to pay the application fee online and submit the application. You cannot submit the application without paying the application fee online.

You can obtain a prepaid card as follows:

  • At your bank: Youth packages and banking packages for students usually include the option of obtaining a prepaid card. This option is either free of charge or available at a very low cost.
  • As a Swiss Bankers Travel Cash card: You can obtain this card from various banks without a bank account. Please see the information about locations where you can obtain the card as well as the terms and conditions at
  • At a kiosk: Please check the information about kiosk locations as well as the terms and conditions.

I’m not sure if my payment for the application fee has gone through. The payment process was interrupted.

Please check your payment status in the application portal. After submitting the application, wait 5 to 10 minutes, log out of the application portal and then back in to allow the information to be updated.

Then open your application and click on the "Fees" tab. If your payment is successful, your application fee status will read "Online payment authorized." If the payment has not gone through, please try again by clicking on "Repeat payment" on the bottom right of the application portal screen. Your application will only be processed if the application fee has been paid.

Applications, for which the payment of the application fee was canceled, will remain in the status “submitted” and won't be processed, unless the payment process is completed within the given deadlines.

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Further Questions?

Information about completing the application form, uploading documents and paying the application fee can also be found at:


Is your question still not answered? Please contact the

Student Administration Office
(Bachelor's level, Swiss qualification)
or the
Admissions Office
(Bachelor's level, foreign qualification; Master's and doctoral level, teaching diploma program, all qualifications)