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Theology and Religions

Practical theology, reformation history or Christianity in antiquity: Researchers at the Faculty of Theology examine and reflect on religious phenomena of the past and present.

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  • Religion, Reproduction and Crises

    From digitalization of religious practices through ethical questions around human reproduction to strategies for navigating crises or the challenges

  • Nothing As It Seems

    Most conspiracy theories paint an absurd picture of the world. Religious studies scholars at UZH are exploring why people nevertheless believe them.

  • Praying With Alexa

    With God-like artificial intelligence and online spirituality, digital technology is changing the face of religion and faith. Religious thinking also

  • The Art of Learning

    Learning is itself a skill that must be learned. The best ways to do this and the requirements for success are current topics of research at UZH. The

  • Catching Butterflies

    Church membership is declining, but there is a proliferation of religious themes and practices in the online space. Theologian Thomas Schlag heads up

  • In the Beginning Was the Popcorn

    Genetically modified crops could contribute to making agriculture more sustainable and productive, says Ueli Grossniklaus. This new green genetic

  • Eating Plants

    Researchers at UZH are exploring sustainable agriculture and the future of food, from transforming our eating habits and growing our own greens to

Faculty of Theology

University of Zurich
Faculty of Theology
Kirchgasse 9
CH-8001 Zurich
Contact (E-mail)