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University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

The University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich (PUK) has been serving people with mental health difficulties in Zurich city and the surrounding areas since 1870, providing primary care through inpatient stays, day clinics and outpatient services. The integrative treatment strategies used at the PUK are based on internationally established scientific guidelines and pay equal attention to biological, psychological and social aspects. (in German)

Research and Teaching

Our researchers continuously strive to better understand mental disorders and difficulties and to increase treatment options. Progress in these areas would not be possible without our patients who are willing to put themselves at the service of research and participate in a wide variety of studies and research projects. Staff members at the PUK are also involved in university teaching and research, and we provide professional training and further and continuing education as part of international networks.

Research at the PUK (in German)


University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich
Lenggstrasse 31
8032 Zürich
Phone +41 58 384 21 11

Contact(in German)


Hotline for children and teenagers: 058 384 66 66

Hotline for adults from 18 years: 058 384 20 00

Hotline for adults from 65 years: 044 389 16 82

PUK Emergency services (in German)

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University Medicine Zurich

More about University Medicine Zurich

In the University Medicine Zurich (UMZH) network, researchers of UZH, ETH and the university hospitals (University Hospital Zurich, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich) work together across disciplines to better understand diseases and develop new, innovative therapies and treatments.