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University Children’s Hospital Zurich

Helping Children Get Well

The University Children’s Hospital is the largest center for pediatrics and pediatric surgery in Switzerland, and one of the leading children’s hospitals worldwide. We provide treatment and nursing care for children and adolescents, support them in their development, and look after them together with their families. Our employees work together across disciplines and hierarchies and use the most up-to-date technologies and methods to help your child get well. (in German)

Research and Teaching

University research and education at the highest level are an integral part of the University Children’s Hospital Zurich’s mission, and we compete internationally in these areas. Our research findings lead to new treatments which are quickly made available to our young patients, ensuring they receive the best possible care. The FZK research center is the central coordination point for scientific research at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich.

Research and Teaching at the University Children's Hospital (in German)


University Children’s Hospital Zurich - Eleonorenstiftung
Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich
Phone +41 44 266 71 11

Contact (in German)


Emergency services University Children's Hospital
Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich

Phone Ambulance: 144 (acute emergencies and accidents)
Phone tox center: 145 (suspected poisoning)

Location on Google maps
Emergency services University Children's Hospital (in German)

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University Medicine Zurich

More about University Medicine Zurich

In the University Medicine Zurich (UMZH) network, researchers of UZH, ETH and the university hospitals (University Hospital Zurich, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich) work together across disciplines to better understand diseases and develop new, innovative therapies and treatments.