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Faculty of Medicine

In the Service of Health

The Faculty of Medicine is made up of institutes for preclinical science and clinical departments. The former conduct research into the structures and functions of the human body, thus imparting foundational knowledge for the diagnosis of disorders, for insights into their etiology, and for a rational basis of therapy.

Study Programs

The Faculty of Medicine teaches aspiring physicians, dentists and chiropractors. Students complete their studies with a federal specialist examination.
Faculty of Medicine: Studies

Institutes, Clinics and Centers

University Medicine Zurich

In the University Medicine Zurich (UMZH) network, researchers from UZH, ETH and the university hospitals (University Hospital Zurich, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich) work together across disciplines to better understand diseases and develop new, innovative therapies and treatments. One of the research priorities is precision medicine, with a focus on oncology.
University Medicine Zurich


University of Zurich
Faculty of Medicine
Pestalozzistrasse 3
CH-8032 Zurich

Contact (E-mail)

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