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Global Strategy 2030

Global University of Zurich

We all share one world. A world composed of an intricate diversity of societies, histories, visions, environments, and therefore of many realities at local, national and regional levels. A world in which many of the challenges faced by our societies know no borders. Thus, international collaboration is of outmost importance for our common future.

Global Strategy 2030

To balance long-term thinking and agile acting UZH faculties and central services have drafted a joint long-term vision of what we aim to achieve by 2030 in terms of global outreach and engagement. The Global Strategy 2030 focuses on five key thematic areas. 

The World @ UZH

UZH is a truly open-minded and engaged university: Its members embody a global outlook and mindset. A diverse and culturally rich environment is actively fostered to generate creative and innovative outputs, interesting debates, and an inspiring learning, research and working environment on campus in Zurich. 

Internationally Connected

UZH joins forces all around the world with partners, universities and beyond, to conduct impactful research and innovation, offer top-quality education, and tackle complex challenges. It remains firmly embedded within the European Higher Education Area and committed to the goals of the European Research Area as an active partner for research, education, innovation and knowledge translation. Simultaneously, it expands its expertise and engagement to partners outside of Europe.

Global Thinkers and Shapers

As the largest comprehensive Swiss university, UZH plays a pivotal role to set a strong example of active engagement in tertiary education in the national higher education sector. It encourages its students and staff to be internationally mobile and experience other contexts. Evidence has demonstrated that an international experience provides not only a key opportunity to learn languages and intercultural skills, but also adds to increasingly important transversal skills, such as problem solving, resilience or effective communication.

Societal Responsibility

Humankind is facing increasingly complex, systemic and global challenges. Stronger exchange and collaboration between science, technology, business and society is crucial to tackle them. By increasing its engagement as a stakeholder in national and international policy making and diplomacy, the scientific community can bring its values of rationality, transparency and universality and help underpin a better global governance and build trust between nations and societies. 

On Stage

Top performance in research, the excellence of its students and graduates, civic engagement, and involvement in selected partnerships all contribute to the global reputation of UZH. The development of this reputation is supported by professional communication services, proactive dialogues with diverse realms of society and successful outreach programs.

UZH's Global Strategy 2030 is not the strategy of one office or faculty alone, the whole UZH community is responsible for its implementation. Global Affairs will take the lead on coordinating and monitoring its implementation.


UZH’s Global Strategy 2030 states the long term vision of what UZH aims to achieve by 2030 in terms of global outreach and engagement.

Global Strategy 2030 (PDF, 157 KB)

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Information on the implementation of Global Strategy 23030 can be found on the website of Global Affairs.