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Software Systems

Why this program?

Software as well as software-based systems have led to our world experiencing profound changes over the last 50 years. Software has become one of the key drivers of innovation. In the Master's study program in Software Systems, you will broaden and deepen the knowledge you acquired during your Bachelor's study program, with the aim of enabling you to play an active role in shaping the changes that the world experiences through software.

This study program focuses on the question of how to develop software-based systems in a systematic, economically efficient way, as well as how to use them and keep them up to date. It looks at everything from small apps and web applications to data management systems and all the way through to super-scaled systems networked on many levels. You will also learn how to analyze non-standard problems yourself, how to use independent means of acquiring the knowledge you need to do this, and how to design, develop, and use appropriate software solutions.

What can I do with it later?

With the in-depth knowledge gained during the Master's study program in Software Systems, you will be in demand in both the software industry and in the IT departments of all kinds of companies, where you will be assigned demanding tasks in roles such as software engineer, app developer, chief information officer – or you launch a startup. Moreover, graduates with the right aptitude have the opportunity to complete a doctorate, an outstanding foundation for an academic career.

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