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People-Oriented Computing

Why this program?

Informatics has a profound impact on humans and society, significantly changing patterns of communication, information, and social interaction in both our private and working lives. Conversely, it is people who are behind the forward march of informatics and shape the informatics-based systems that change our world. Gone are the days when informatics was simply about solving problems using algorithms.

In the Master's study program in People-Oriented Computing, you will broaden and deepen the knowledge you acquired during your Bachelor's study program, with the aim of enabling you to help shape information technology in a way that focuses on people and gain a better understanding of the interaction that takes place between people and computers. You will also learn how to analyze non-standard problems yourself, how to use independent means of acquiring the knowledge you need to do this, and how to design and use appropriate systems and solutions.

What can I do with it later?

With a Master's degree in People-Oriented Computing, you will be in demand as a specialist in companies across all industries, where you will develop sophisticated, user-friendly software. Furthermore, the in-depth knowledge gained during the Master's study program will enable you to take on demanding tasks in roles such as project manager, interaction architect, analyst or consultant in any field involving the people-oriented design of information technologies and their effects on business and society. Moreover, graduates with the right aptitude have the opportunity to complete a doctorate, an outstanding foundation for an academic career.

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