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Neural Systems and Computation

Why this program?

The MSc in Neural Systems and Computation is an interdisciplinary program offered jointly by the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich. The program provides trans-disciplinary knowledge, skills, and a mindset to prepare researchers for their first decade of independent research and development. The main focus is on understanding the principles underlying brain function and discovering how to develop artificial systems that use the same principles. These are key issues for the future success of medical sciences and for the development of artificial intelligent systems.

What will I learn?

Students learn about systems neuroscience and the current understanding of how neural architectures give rise to sensory, motor, and cognitive functions. They also learn about concepts in neural computation and how theories of neural computation relate to the classical theory of computation. Moreover, they acquire experimental techniques in neurobiology such as electrophysiology, optical imaging, and electron microscopy. Finally, they can learn theories, methods, and algorithms employed in the computational analysis of neurobiological data theory and design principles for the construction of neuromorphic hardware and of systems that interact intelligently with the world.

Graduates develop skills in

How to conduct independent scientific research and complete a research project, analyze, evaluate, and summarize scientific literature, how to write a research proposal and present scientific research results in talks and written reports targeted at specialist, trans-disciplinary, and general audiences.

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Admission requirements

- Ba in Neurosciences, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Biology, Physics, Computer Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biomedicine, Mechanical/Chemical/Control Engineering, or similar subjects.
- We expect students to have a solid basis in Neuroscience and Computational Science.
Admission is possible only after submission of an application (link below).