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Why this program?

The minor study program in Marketing deals with the customer-centric management of a company. The goal of such a business strategy is to build long-term, stable and profitable customer relationships. In addition to core concepts of marketing, students will discuss the role of marketing in business and society. Furthermore, students will understand the most critical challenges and opportunities of digitalization, technology, and sustainability in marketing.

As part of this minor, you will become familiar with marketing-relevant decisions in organizations. A unique focus on data-driven decision-making processes that puts the individual consumer in the middle of all considerations characterizes the minor in Marketing.

What can I do with it later?

The minor study program in marketing will qualify you for specialized or management roles in the field of customer-centric management. As a specialist in marketing, you will be able to use your knowledge in consulting and market research firms as well as in any marketing-related department of companies in all kinds of industries.

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