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Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences

Why this program?

Understanding how a healthy brain works and the neural states that underpin mental illness to develop more effective treatments are key objectives in the field of neurosciences. Challenging the current research requires specialists who understand the relationships between biology, technology and clinical neurology.

The master program in Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences (IDB) is a specialized joint master degree of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (ETHZ). It is one of the few comprehensive MSc programs offered worldwide and is geared towards providing a broad overview and hands on training on three main areas:

  • Brain biology
  • Systems, computation and neural technology
  • Translational, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience

What do I learn?

The program consists of core modules, elective core modules and includes:

  • 6-weeks laboratory work within all three main areas
  • 6-months Master’s thesis
  • a minimum of 2-month internship in a clinic or a partner company

The first semester concentrates on CNS genomics/proteomics, neuroimmunology, neural imaging, brain systems, deep learning and neural technologies. In the second semester, students learn about a range of methods used in translational neuroscience, but also in daily clinical and therapeutic practice. This module encompasses both the characterisation of mental disorders and preventative approaches from psychology. Courses in ethics and neuroeconomics complete this thematic area.

The program focuses particularly on laboratory practice. The strong practical component of the program ensures that students become familiar with a broad range of techniques, analyses and treatment methods in neuroscience.

What can I do with it later?

The MSc IDB provides trans-disciplinary knowledge and skills covering the broad spectrum of neuroscience research and prepares graduates for their first years of independent research in academia or industry. Graduates are equally well-prepared for a career in university research as for one in clinical research or in industry. The program also delivers biological and technological tools for a career in medical technology.

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Admission requirements

- The MSc IDB is open to Swiss and international students with a Bachelor's degree in various disciplines:

neuroscience, biology, biomedicine, biochemistry, biotechnology, health sciences, electrical engineering, engineering, physics, pharmacy, computer science, psychology, chemistry or mathematics.


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