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Chemical and Molecular Sciences (Specialized Master)

Why this program?

You have just finished your bachelor's degree and plan to go ahead with a master's? You think that research is exciting and you would like to start with your own research as soon as possible? Then you are a candidate for the specialized Master's program in Chemical and Molecular Sciences

The molecular sciences have evolved dramatically in recent decades. It is no longer clear what “should” be called chemistry, or biology, or biochemistry, or materials science, etc., because so much cutting-edge research spans two or more of these traditional disciplines. The new Specialized M.Sc. program in Chemical and Molecular Sciences (MS-CMS) is designed to address the needs of the students and faculty engaged in such multi-disciplinary research.

What will I learn?

  • The program teaches students the conceptional and experimental methods for designing, manipulating and synthesising molecules and molecular systems within the wider context of the Natural Sciences. 
  • The program demands familiarity in dealing with conception of molecular structures and chemical structures. The program is research oriented and will be adjusted to the prior experience of each student. 
  • The program provides an ideal education for continuing with a dissertation in this intersectional science, which is otherwise not offered as a course of study

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Admission requirements

- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- C1 level of 明升体育_明升体育备用网址-app|平台|官网 and German
- See link below for further requirements