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Teaching Community

Here at UZH we champion the creation of a lively, cross-faculty teaching community. Our teaching communities strengthen the sense of belonging of all teachers at UZH. In this way we pool our efforts and take a collaborative approach to meeting the demands of a rapidly-changing society.

Shaping the Future of Teaching Together

In the Future of Teaching Initiative, we have set out a strategic orientation framework for the future development of teaching. It focuses on collaboration and networking between all those who make teaching at UZH possible – whether student-facing or behind the scenes.
Video: Shaping the future of teaching together

Teaching Communities

Dynamic networks rely on active participants and open, cross-faculty dialogue. All teaching staff at UZH are part of a broad network of colleagues. They discuss current trends, new approaches and practical solutions in communities, workshops and at other events, which gives rise to new ideas and creative teaching input.

Open Channel Education community

The Open Channel Education sees the whole teaching community come together to compare notes, discuss ideas, and take part in online events.
UZH for Teaching Staff: Open Channel Education (in German)

Community for study program coordinators

The community encourages cross-faculty dialogue on teaching trends, overarching issues, and current challenges with a particular focus on the curricular level.
UZH for Teaching Staff: Community for study program coordinators (in German)

Teaching inspiration events

The teaching inspiration events offer practical and solution-focused online workshops for all teachers and those interested in teaching.
UZH for Teaching Staff: Teaching inspiration events (in German)

Tag der Lehre (Day of Excellence in Teaching)

The annual Tag der Lehre brings together the whole UZH teaching community to celebrate innovative teaching with inspiring workshops, exhibitions, discussions and input on current trends in teaching.
Tag der Lehre

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For Teaching Staff

You can find more information on the various communities and community events on the UZH for Teaching website.
