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Quality Development

Quality Assurance and Development (QAD) System at UZH

Quality Strategy of the University of Zurich 2020–2026

According to the UZH Quality Strategy, the University’s quality assurance system must be based on complete quality management cycles, funding measures, the guarantee of an excellent overall environment and the systematic alignment of central and decentral measures.
Quality Strategy of the University of Zurich 2020–2026

QAD Education and Teaching

Quality management processes for education and teaching measure and improve the quality of learning and instruction at the University. These processes provide data for further quality cycles and are supplemented by advisory services, networking opportunities, continuing education programs and funding instruments.
QAD Education and Teaching

QAD Research and Academic Career Development

UZH ensures and develops the quality of its research and academic career development chiefly through providing a good overall environment, targeted funding instruments and competitive processes. The University combines strategic funding measures with bottom-up initiatives and an open research culture.
QAD Research and Academic Career Development

QAD Services

UZH units that provide research-based services generally receive accreditation according to the standards of their field in order to ensure quality. Continuing education has its own quality assurance and development system.
QAD Services

Management Processes

Management processes form a crucial intersection with all quality cycles and other quality-related measures at UZH. Management creates the guidelines for the University’s quality assurance and development system. At the same time, management processes comprise their own quality cycle in which objectives and measures are regularly reviewed.
Management Processes


The UZH Evaluation Office audits organizational units at UZH using a multi-step procedure every six to eight years. This evaluation procedure ties into other quality cycles at UZH. It collates the data collected in these areas and provides quality assurance-related information on management across the University.

University Operations

Exemplary university operations are an important cornerstone of excellence in research, teaching and services. UZH ensures the quality of its operations using specific instruments for the Finance Office, Human Resources, Real Estate and Facility Management and IT.
University Operations

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Responsibility for quality falls under the remit of the deputy president.

Accreditation 2022

As part of the Accreditation 2022 project, UZH is preparing for its institutional accreditation by the Swiss Accreditation Council in 2021–22.

UZH 明升体育_明升体育备用网址-app|平台|官网: A Look at the Inner Workings of UZH

More about UZH 明升体育_明升体育备用网址-app|平台|官网: A Look at the Inner Workings of UZH

A new self-assessment report exa­mines the mechanics of the higher education institution.
